Friday, May 31, 2013

Dressaging it Up

So I have entered into the world of dressage. And it's not so scary! Murphy needs to develop his topline... a lot. It's not so much that he didn't use his back properly before. It's just that he never used his back. Which is definitely mostly my fault.

It's funny though. Our canter is pretty much the ugliest thing ever right now, but his trot work has been very impressive. As in, we're actually going somewhere. Forward motion probably shouldn't be so shocking.

Look at the fancy pony!
All is well except for when Murphy got a wee bit tired. He stopped. Dead stopped. No amount of spur or crop was convincing him that forward was a good idea. He wasn't even bucking! Which, albeit, is a mighty improvement on past behavior.

So stressful. It took effort to get him to move, but I couldn't let him just get away with that behavior. Altering the aids helped but I ended up having to circle him and push him out of that into a long-legged, hysterical trot like thing. It was as if he was a poorly coordinated pacer. Ew. But, we worked through it and he is slowly understanding that he doesn't decide when we are done.

Strangely enough, the thing that helps him the best is his new Dressage saddle. After searching for a reasonably priced (read as: I am super poor) I came across an older model used Wintec 500 17" with a medium tree. And it fit him almost perfectly! Not that his CC hunter saddle didn't fit him. It fits alright, but it seems as if the extra space free around his shoulder encourages him to move out and not pretend he is a Western Pleasure pony. Jogging up to a fence is not conducive to the dressage or jumping experience.

Quick! Distract the Murphy with something he enjoys!
Not me riding him.
He gets so happy when he's jumping. Unless he has to work at it; hence the incredibly tall jump here. Which is why we're not giving up on it! I'm kind of going for a Cross-Training vibe. We'll see if anything comes of it, but for now we are going (once again) back to basics - Dressage style!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Oh Weather...

So the weather here has been miserable.  I can handle constant rain and I can handle constant heat. But what I can't handle is rain followed by humid sunshine. Over and over again throughout the day. It's impossible to know which one you're going to get before heading out to the barn.

While I know Murphy would walk with me to the barn in the rain I don't really want him to be grumpy. Just because I would be happy grooming him for an hour as rain pounds against the metal roof, doesn't mean Murphy would appreciate it at all. In fact, from previous experience, he is very sensitive to the sound of rain on metal. So, I'm just here waiting for the rain to stop. I can't even get any pictures! Maybe by the time the rain stops he will look less like a furry monster and more like... a horse!

I had planned to announce our foray into dressage with an amazing post of pictures and (maybe) video, but the weather gods have denied me once again. But you heard it here, we're learning dressage! Murphy loves it! Until he gets tired... then it's back to the grumpy ole Murph I know and love.

It's already been a challenge coming from a hunter background. I still want to perch in my saddle, but luckily our dressage saddle makes that very difficult. Murphy is definitely responding well to the new stuff. My college roommate (who events) wants me to event with her... HAH! The thought of pointing Murphy at a very solid obstacle in a field is hilarious at best.

This is a very rambly post, but does anyone even read this? Nope. So I can talk about whatever I want! Hahaha!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Back From School

So the school year has officially ended and I am now a Senior in college. Wow.

I like to think about less traumatizing things, however, and went to see Murphy-doodle today. The sky was rather ominous though and it seriously looked like it was going to rain. But I have things to do gosh darn it! I decided today would have to be a lame brush and treats day with a sidebar of saddle fitting (Can't wait to explain that). In the process, however, I started speaking with an adult rider at my barn who has just leased her very first horse after riding for about 5 or so months. She is rightfully petrified.

Props to her though. She is doing everything right. The saddle she bought didn't really fit the horse and instead of making it work she went out and bought a better fitting one. She ended up with a Wintec (not entirely sure what kind) that came complete with the easy gullet change system.

Lucky dog.

Anyway, we were talking about all things horse and I gave her a few pointers on her ride that I saw.

Let me preface this next statement with a nice disclaimer.
I am NOT  trainer; but I do go to horse school, take lessons regularly, and own my own horse. So I know a few things about a few things.

This nice woman - let's call her... Jane -  told me she was worried that she wouldn't be able to afford lessons anymore and that her daughter didn't respond well to the trainer who works out of our barn. A large lightbulb went on in my brain and before I knew it I was offering myself as a dirt broke. college student who just wants to be able to pay for her horse's shoes as well as his home.

And somehow I landed myself two students. Huh. Can I handle that?

I mean, I know more theory than most people at my school, but do I know how to teach someone else? Particularly a beginner?

Well we're going to find out!

But in the meantime: Let's get summer started out right! With a week straight of rain... Great.

You do realize it's about to rain, right?

Oh how I love this chestnut pony.